Meet the Lunch Punch Team - Steeny
Meet Steeny, our customer service and admin guru! If you've ever got questions about our products, or need a hand with anything then Steeny is your go-to girl, she knows our products inside out. With an infectious sense of humour and a heart of gold, Steeny brings the fun to our office!
Let’s chat to Steeny...
Meet Steeny (aka Jessica)
What do you do at The Lunch Punch?
I work in Customer Service, answering customer enquiries and some general Admin. I also work closely with our Lunch Punch stockists.
What does your morning routine look like?
COFFEE, make children's lunches, ready for school, get myself ready for work, COFFEE, eat breakfast in the car and call my sister, niece and nephews, get to work, then more COFFEE…
What was your least favourite food as a child? Do you still hate it or do you love it now?
Bubble and Squeak! I can't stand the thought of it, even now.
If you had to eat one meal everyday for the rest of your life what would it be?
There is nothing better than a fresh fruit salad. There are so many options, I could never get bored.
What would your superpower be and why?
The ability to time manage like a pro! Some days, time just seems to fly by...
What is your favourite magical or mythological animal?
Alicorn from My Little Pony, they have a horn and wings - how fun is that?!
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Stage Performer. Unfortunately it didn't work out - I didn’t have the confidence or the required talent!
Who is your favourite Disney hero or heroine?
Moana or Anna from Frozen, I like strong female characters.
What fictional family would you be a member of?
Fuller House, such a crazy, fun household that’s full of love - just like my own!
What’s your favourite sandwich and why?
Cucumber sandwiches that don't go soggy. Only my Nana could make them how I like them, though!
What’s your favourite family tradition?
Family dinners or just celebrating any day ending in 'y'. Every day is worth celebrating in our family!
What was your favourite game to play as a child?
As a kid I was into Mahjong and Bingo, and have recently discovered Drag Queen bingo, which is just the best!
So there you have it, all you needed to know about Steeny! Do you have any questions you’d like to ask the team? Head over to Instagram and shoot us a DM, we love to chat!
Want to get to know the rest of the Lunch Punch Crew? Check out our blog for more.